There's so much potential, but the game broke on me. Twice. The first time, I fell on some spike, my health went straight to zero, but no game over screen popped up. I couldn't move or anything. I was forced to press enter and go back to the menu. Thing is, once I pressed new game, I just saw a blue screen, and couldn't do a thing. Luckily, doing the same thing a second time fixed it.
Sticking with the topic of bugs, man did I find quite a few. Vibrating enemies when they're on top of you, being able to double jump against some walls, and even killing the demon far enough so that it doesn't start attacking you.
The worst part is I liked this game. I just thought its bugginess brought the quality down big time. Fix them, and you definitely got a good game, but for now I'm in the middle of the road with this one.