Couldn't finish the video because of that voice and the long, non-changing background. Probably could have been a 30 second video. Maybe have him walking something?
Grenlii tells you why you shouldn't be nice and what to be instead.
This video is mainly just improv and is a joke so don't take it too seriously, Y'all.
Even though this video is mostly a joke, there is a truth to it as well. Too many people act nice and lack being authentic. These are called nice guys, or in other words liars, who always agree with your opinion even if they disagree, who are pushed around by others to do things because "They're nice". Don't be nice, be authentic. Be yourself. Who cares if it doesn't show manners. It's better to be an asshole, then to be a nice guy pretending not to be an asshole. Well, tbh it's better not to be either at all, but who the hell wants to be with a fake mother fucker? Don't get me wrong btw, you can be kind and respectful and still be authentically you. Bottom line though, it's more important just to be you.
Couldn't finish the video because of that voice and the long, non-changing background. Probably could have been a 30 second video. Maybe have him walking something?
I might consider putting more movement in my newer videos. Thanks for the feedback.
I couldn't finish the video voices like this are real annoying to me i like the the push to be yourself tho...
Yeah, I always try to have some kind of nice message to most of my comedy videos and lol I totally understand. If you find this character's voice annoying you'd hate my joker character lmao for sure.