i did good
you defeat HOMOCH--i mean omochao..and that's it!
it's a short game!
mario isn't in this one...this is just a demo,tomorrow for sure,ok?
sorry about some of the background noises...it's just my mom and my younger brother
and the sequel rosie the rascal (not classic amy) will be the villain...
oh and you can watch the show when it comes out..on aiden da king (not on aidenthegamer,ok?) and this is a remix of a spongebob fps on scratch so omochao's healthbar is gonna end up saying "Plankton's health"
and i can't find any scratch games to remix that are that good,so don't blam it because it's bad,ok? i can't draw that good unless im on MS Paint (i am that good,trust me)
of course it's bad,it's a scratch project! don't blam it because of me! jeezus!
and yes! you are hearing hip-hop in the background...
here is the unclean version of the song:
i did good
in all of this time in newgrounds i have to say that i was never this baffled
im just
gonna leave a 2.5 so your score wont change because i dont want to feel bad about myself
thx for the feedback...
i am not like original scott cawthon and yandere-dev,i can take be able to take criticism
and i feel baffled too...the irony