Strategy themed flash. The graphics are very basic and could use much more attention to detail. Gameplay Is all about trying to master the squares. This is just a demo, and it needs much more work and effort.
Mama is a stragedy braintwisting game
Strategy themed flash. The graphics are very basic and could use much more attention to detail. Gameplay Is all about trying to master the squares. This is just a demo, and it needs much more work and effort.
So this game was notbad here, it was rather "SIMPLE" with the "GRAPHICS" I think you can improve on this game with some improved walls and doors even some added effects here and there especially on some impact moments, the gameplay is fun and this was notbad of a game.
I think you can improve on this game with some improved walls and doors even some added effects here and there especially on some impact moments
So after you unlock yellow man there is no more levels? why I was having sooo much fun!
Thank you! This was a demo but a will make more i promise! :D
Is that Eric?
I wanted to see Garfield Peter Griffin fusion, but instead got a game about squares. :(