The Ace is a 2D-3D game about a tennisman who also happens to be a spy, his mission is to infiltrate a Manor and bring back the Cup that contains microfilms. Having no other weapon than his racket and his wonderful aiming skills, he will meet many obstacles, will he be as discrete as a spy or his tennis habits will blew his cover ?
This game is design to be played with a controller, but you can also use your keyboard (at your risk).
Arrow Key / Joytstick to move
Ctrl/ Right Trigger to shoot
Shift and Alt / Bumpers to rotate the world.
Expects some lags on the WebGL version, play the executable for a better experience.
This is the version 1.13 of our game, a version we think is closer to our initial expectation. For the jam's build (1.0 vanilla), check the page ! page for the .exe (a bit prettier):
our ludum dare page :
Credits :
Sonia En Najibi - 2D arts
Julien Cabezas - Code
Maxime Congy - 3D arts
Boris Dauvergne - Level design, Sound, Arts
Have fun :)
Boris is really a talented dude, gg :)