Good/funny things about this game:
- It contains sentences like: "Do you admire my baby hardened penis?" and "Minstrels will sing of your booty for generations."
Bad things about this game:
- The words are pronounced by a computer and sound bad - would be better if there were real voices used to voice this small selection of words.
- The whole dialogue was lame and cringy when done "right".
- No women is wooed by endless stream of compliments - it is cheesy and reeks of desperation. Saying random mash of words has actually a much higher chance to draw female attention and to arise interest. Saying stupid shit with great confidence is actually a good way to attract women - it's well proven empirically.
- The 3D looked cool until the whole experience was ruined by understanding that these character models are copied and pasted from somewhere. The male looked like some Warcraft Character, but the female looked like some Japanese Anime schoolgirls character. These visual styles didn't look compatible and that made the whole look disingenuous. If you want a knight who tries to swoon a dairy farmer girl then use a model for the knight with his face visible, no woman is going to trust a faceless guy and use a female model that looks medieval and appropriate for her role.
- At one point he is complimenting her on her blue eyes and she likes that, but her eyes are red.
- If you make an error in sentence "Your voice RINGS like a song of a songbird" by making a completely innocent mistake like "Your voice SINGS a song of a songbird" the girl treats you still like you are a scum and deserve to die.
- If you fuckup a single word in a sentence even if it is not rude and is something nice then the girl will still reply very rudely. This makes going trough the rest of the sentence a chore. There should be a skip forward option in case of a mistake. Or even better - mistaking only one word if it is not rude should only cause mild response from a girl and make you lose only half a heart.
- In a single playtrough the sentences repeat themselves. That is just lame.
- The game is too long and repetitive. All the lines are compliments with except of the final sentence finally asking to go to her home.
- The continuity is fucked up due to the randomness - the knight might ask for her milk first and then ask what is her occupation and learn about her being a dairy farmer only later.
This game had some good intentions and can be a little bit funny, but on overall it is a mess.