love that hotel mario track at the end
Pacific Rim Uprising is coming to theaters soon, and there's a new Godzilla series on Netflix, so I thought I'd give my own take on the giant monster movie genre!
Watch this on YouTube:
Ambush - The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
love that hotel mario track at the end
yea, i gues that woud happen
Excellent design, expressions and timing! I can only hope its rampage can be stopped. IT GLUED A QUARTER TO MY SIDEWALK >:|
Spoiler Alert!: Gipsy Danger is noob
All around this was chock full of sophomore like jokes but the delivery was where it was at. No one did Godzilla like this and the end was so unbalanced in just the right way. Classic overkill and done in a way to make it even a punch line within a punch line.
The really simple animation was done well enough to help deliver the jokes one after the other and not hide any of the comedy behind obscure or esoteric references. This was indeed very funny and made me give up them 5 just for my $.02 worth. The simplicity of the animation is what is part of the charm of this video and the imbalance of scale such as Godzilla engaging in Ding Dong Ditch 'Em from over the house is some of what lent so well to the humor behind this video of yours.
Also you did not forget the epic battle at the end. Ultimately I am surprised you didn't "Go'anna fire your laser!" It almost looked like he was a "Firin' his laser," however. I am sort of surprised however no one every incorporated a heartburn joke behind Godzilla's flaming breath.