Mission Planet
You've guys have waited long enough for an animation, so I figured I'll put up on of the few I've been working on. This animation is shorter than the others I've got lined up to post. I wanted to get that out of the way before someone asks about the length. There will be more coming on the way, although its worth taking the time to fine tune these things. I've told myself I wanted to step it up with my art in the beginning of this year and hopefully I am doing just that.
If you'd like to share whether you think I've improved or not, you can watch the video in the link below, which kinda counts as an older version of this animation.
Here is the old version:
Thank You all for your support!! And team Awesome keep doing what you do best. XD
Say hi to me on my social sites list :)
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/malice.fame
Twitter: https://twitter.com/malice_thefame
Tumblr: http://malicethefame.tumblr.com/
Deviantart: http://otoko22usachii.deviantart.com/
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