Nice effort!
THIS animation was mostly used with sprites from popular 8-bit games (Super Mario, from Super Mario Brothers Franchise, Nintendo, Mega Man from the Mega Man Franchise, Capcom, and Goku from Dragon Ball Z Franchise, Toei Animation) . Old fashioned, retro music and sfx was also used for this animation. Any feedback whatsoever is super helpful, so do not be afraid to use full criticism!
-Rock On Animations
YouTube Channel:
Nice effort!
dear RockOnAnimations
Well done with the sprite animations but I don't get the context of this really. At first I was expecting; judging from the title, about the protagonist going around meeting 8-bit characters and play around with them. I was expecting this would give me that vibe similar to the animation of "the legend of Miyamoto" Only with 8-bit characters.
Back to the animation itself. The sfx were well synced, good job. But there was no music all throughout, excluding the boss battle but that perhaps felt too late. And for the rest of the animation...It was nonsensical to be frank and still I don't get the context or point of this.
I would suggest adding some kind of story into it. But I would leave that up to you to decide.
Also this was way too short and it ended abruptly so there's that.
PS: This review and all opinions are solely based on First Impressions
Regards from a Struggling Youtuber