Very smooth game man! Just like the ol' Asteroids
i think you just need background music.
btw Great work!
Left and Right arrow keys - rotate
Up key - push player forward
Space - Shoot
Very smooth game man! Just like the ol' Asteroids
i think you just need background music.
btw Great work!
Attack of the 20-sided die! Pretty sweet!
I'm glad you enjoyed it =)
This game works fine, graphics are ok too.
It just needs more animations (for example when rocks are destroyed).
And sounds (rock smash, background music, ambient would be ok).
Did not plan to add lots of graphics, after all i have used only free asserts from opengameart. Thanks for the suggestion, i might add more stuff in the future
very nice all this needs is some tunes and maybe a power up system
thanks for the feedback =)