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Monster Warriors 2

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Lead 6 monster warriors and 228 monster soldiers to defend their land from human invasions!

Move mouse to edge of screen to scroll. Click a group of soldier or press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to select particular group then click on empty area to move them or click on enemy unit to attack them. Press Space Bar to select all units or press mouse and drag it on the empty area to create a box and select two or more groups.

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This game could use more music. After you win a battle, the game does not advance.

Okay, I normally bash this side-scrolling 'strategy' genre because of the serious lack of control over your units. You win, sir. I capitulate.

1) I love that this is not 'lane-based', in that my units may move anywhere on the available battle field.
(IE: Oh snap, my best units are in the wrong lanes and the enemy is simply walking between and around them! )

2)Humans and elves are overrated. I'm kind of an underdog/take the evil guy's perspective enthusiast. I like how the monsters are the main focus here. I also like your artwork. (Frankly, I don't like a LOT of the stuff you put on Newgrounds, you in particular. I like this. Nothing personal, I'm just not a 12 year old that is playing games, instead of doing homework.)

3) After demolishing the first wave, nothing happened. I thought, "maybe I just need to wait....Or maybe I need to move them somewhere, like the starting positions.... or maybe some button to start the next wave....aaaand I'm still here, 24 enemies killed, and apparently no more enemies.......writing the review now....and liking it too much to be scathing, still.

#3 is why you get 3.5 stars. The music is kind of repetitive after 60 seconds. No big deal. Mainstream publishers are guilty of the same sin, but with million dollar budgets.


Credits & Info

2.26 / 5.00

Jul 13, 2015
11:43 PM EDT