not that good... and short
This is (part of) the intro for a pokemon parody i'm making named Robimon. It's just about a guy named Robin going on a Pokemon adventure. Episode 1 is in proces...
not that good... and short
It looked cool. so complete it for us :D
Friggin' amazing!
The first 16 seconds of your animation were very attention grabbing.
I love how you created animation using image manipulation programs.
I assume the frames were collected into a video editor program.
I love the multiple camera angles.
I love the visual variety in your short animation.
I assume you wanted feedback before moving forward.
You just need to make the intro a lot longer.
Upload the complete movie and I will be able to provide more in-depth feedback.
I look forward to seeing the finished product.
You are off to a good start.
- Mightydein