I Saw this Animation Since in June of 2015 :)
CZMC test Collab // Czech Madness Combat tests
Collab Organizer: Djjaner (CZMC leader)
My unfinished track /Soon released
Djjaner (CZMC Leader)
Gujit (CZMC member)
Hank154_CZ (CZMC member)
Ultrybal (CZMC member)
NikmironCZ (CZMC member)
Main Thanks:
Krinkels (Matt Jolly) (Original Madness Combat)
and you.
I Saw this Animation Since in June of 2015 :)
Wow! Djjaner actually animated the bulletshells! XD
It's bad..... :(
I like! XD
hehe thanks XD
I am getting sick of this stuff.... gimme bucket nao. Ima going to barf.
hey legend.. xD muhahaha.
hank 154 su-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-ucks sorry pls