You took my advice about including the time it took for creating your speed drawing.
I like how you decided to color the drawing for this video; However, I would have prefer seeing a more complex drawing.
You could try taking your time with the creation of increasingly polished drawings.
I've never seen a speed drawing video utilize water color paints, crayons or whatever else.
You could change techniques for coloring each speed drawing for the sake of variety.
I don't entirely agree with your music selection because of your subject matter.
You were drawing goku and the dragonball theme song would have been a more appropriate selection.
Music selection is an important aspect of these speed drawing movies.
The music having a relationship to your speed drawing would have made for perfect speed drawing videos.
This was a neat speed drawing video but different music selection would have made improvements.
I look forward to seeing new speed drawing videos.
Best of luck with your future endeavors.