You should set the AI to control black, and you should play white. Because it always shows white on the bottom, so if you set AI to control white, you're going to be playing the game from the enemies perspective, backwards, with your enemy's pieces closer to you (below your own pieces).
If you do that, it is playable. It's a fairly weak AI and not hard to beat but an adequate game. However, there is another problem with it. It declares it to be a stalemate if no one can move. WRONG. This ain't chess. In checkers, if you can't move, that's not a stalemate, that's the win for whoever's turn it is not. The game ends when someone can no longer move. It's just that typically that happens when they're out of pieces. But no, if the compy still has a piece or pieces but can't move them, that's my win. It doesn't matter much, it's just a tiny font message that says "nobody wins" instead of "you win", and you'll know who won, but it could also be the case that the AI doesn't try to avoid that situation because it doesn't identify it as its own defeat so that mistake could conceivably change the AI's algorithm for deciding on moves. Not that it matters since the AI is so weak anyway, THAT isn't what makes the AI weak.
But you get 3 stars because within certain limited parameters, the game does function, and that MINIMAL standard already puts you far ahead of almost every other checkers game on newgrounds. Sad.