Kinda funny, but really lackluster. Also, you can just brainlessly spam the jump button, and never fail.
Guess who needs ice-cream!!! WHY ITS SUGAR!!!!!
Space - jump
--- UPDATE ---
added a couple cheats!
hint - Milo in phone keys
--- NOTE ---
you might want to jump a bit before obstacles.
Kinda funny, but really lackluster. Also, you can just brainlessly spam the jump button, and never fail.
yeah working to remove that but kinda keep it too :)
Funny game ;D
Okey review:
I like your drawings, pleasy don't change it drastic;
Simple mechanics and art is the best choice for this game.
Firstly, add more music or make it loop, because after the main song ended i played the whole game without sound (i was very sad :( ).
Secondly, its hard to know when you will fall from the object, so make more accurate object or something else to alert players if they touch this point they will fall.
Thridly, make it more challenging: add more objects, change speed after time and so on (I played only to take 1st place on highscores :D)
Don't stop on this project!! I like it!!
Thanks started it last week as a trailer still have to finish it then Its trailer will go on here too. I will add more music can you explain what you mean by alert player a little better? Also I am working on chalanges. So yeah thanks for the review! :)
it was OK, but the music.... maybe that was supposed to be funny, but I hate that song.
Im making a day two patch right now that will let you mute it :)
lol that was pretty lame , but cute :v
keep it up!
uhh? thanks? lol thanks for the review :)
:) lol