It's too short and there's no plot really. Infact I can't even see any structure. All I see is people getting killed. Is it just pointless killing sprees or is there a story to it, I'll never know...
size -200k
duration- 35 sec
frames- 421
deaths- 6
The only movies made by me all with sound...
made in a day .
It's too short and there's no plot really. Infact I can't even see any structure. All I see is people getting killed. Is it just pointless killing sprees or is there a story to it, I'll never know...
... but a coherent plot would have been nice. And it was way to short (no plot).
love the style of drawing. main character could do a lot in a series. needs some speech desperatly!!
heheeh ok not bad, nice little short action film, it had a dark feel to it, which was a good thing, could make for a good seies, needs some dialog though...
Pretty Cute :)
Hey, it feels good to have ur first flash judged a nine. I would have given it a ten if it had a storyline or point of any sort, but its pretty nice. Good job!