Flipping hilarious. Leeroy's bird suit... uuuh armour... costume thingy... nvm. It just suits him.
Due to positive response and views, I decide to carry on the second episode for this little monster hunter series.
heres a clip explaining why do you lose zenny when you faint in monster hunter. hope you enjoy this series and I hope to come out another one in the future.
Flipping hilarious. Leeroy's bird suit... uuuh armour... costume thingy... nvm. It just suits him.
Love Monster Hunter, and love these animations too :D
With my luck that is exactly how the cats will treat my ass when I "faint" Briliant work here you hit every nail on the head down to the censorship and that one guy cooking on the BBQ spit in the middle of battle LOLOL
Wearing qurupeco armor and not using a hunting horn? That seems so unusual to me...
I've never played the game but this still cracks me up. I love the cats, and the Goofy-esque scream when they dumped Leeroy over the edge was brilliant. XD