Omg! Pikachu got it in the face x) More of this, please :)
pikachu and drowsee are just hangin'
scubascribe to sketchnate on you(r)tub!
Omg! Pikachu got it in the face x) More of this, please :)
this is weird. i didn't really like this because it made little sense to me, i must be missing something. but the quality of the animation is fairly good and i love Pikachu's smiling face :)))! i give it 2.5 stars
Not E. But otherwise well done... er visually
none of the options for rating applied to it, except the name I guess
Sketchnate, I don't know what to comment on this one O.O I really don't.
I'll comment for you. "you're super funny, I'm going to tell all of my friends about you and your cartoons that aren't at all lazy or horribly recorded"
Ah ha, I see what you did there, with the name, and drowsee, and shit.