Could be better, but as it stands, to broken
The main thing holding this game back is the stupid mechanic where any 'upgrade' pickup overrides any normal activity, which is especially evident with late game energy field, which, since you already bought all the upgrades, is nothing but a useless nonscence that ruins good flights, if I knew it would work like that, I would not have bought it, and I realive you are probably trying to move away from character upgrades for some reason, but as it stands, the tag 'upgrades' does not belong here, you don't upgrade your character, their aren't that many improvements at all, and the price descrepenty, and lack of description means their is not all that much choice in what will be improved when, nor an interesting puzzle aspect that makes the tag relevant, I like toss games, and I don't dislike this one, but you've made some mistakes, and need to rethink your game design.