couldn't get it to load
In most of the stories, is the star hank ...
as this will is over ...
Why not give the opportunity to another?
remember that his comrades are:
* sanford
* deimos
and my favorite character is "deimos" he creare his own story, where the main character be ..
but that will not sanford deimos ... they will share in scenes struggle with the ...
the objective is to defeat the clones deimos and destroy the factory, but in the chaos, she meets a boy who was being punished for one of the clones ...
saves him, covering him agradese this what your back.
Who is this guy?
Nothing more than, sanford ...
to if known (in my story) this couple to defeat this wave of killings ....
couldn't get it to load
Eh it was okay
I love song
To jaunford69=HE TRIED! BASTARD.
By the way, not so bad, but it can be better :)
By the way x2, I Was searching for madness project nexus, but i got confused whit the letter "Y"
I hate the music, the animation is okay, the storyline is a clone of MC 6.5, That one AK Appeared out of nowhere, and the ending is shit.