I loved it!
Ok I may have got a bit pissed last night and made somthing a bit special. Ive had to cut some scenes out to keep it pg but who cares, its not like anyone will notice a hole in the storyline. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the milkmen out there for lovely milk. God bless you milkmen :,)
I loved it!
Thx ^^
This s a lot of content for something you did in one night... However, this seems to be a case of quantity over quality. Generally, anything that took you a day or less to create probably isnt worth submitting yet. Some improvements I'd like to see next time: A solid theme, polished frame by frames, attention to detail, and better sound/music quality.
I confess! There were a scene or two I stole from uncompleted animations, thats why its so random XP.
It has that spark of unique randomness, and I hope this remains either a work in progress or as an inspiration for future ideas. Like many flash artists before you; I look forward to seeing how this progresses, nice work.
There's more structure in the animations im working on nowadays. I didnt consider continuing with random stuff like this, it was kinda something I just put together. Maybe ill make more animations like this in the future! Ty for the review it helps allot :)
the ffffffffffffffwhat?
It's not too bad. Art work could use some improvement, but if you made this when you were drunk i supposed thats a given XD. Thing that really jumps out at me is there is no detail in any of the backgrounds. I think with better backgrounds in a flash like this it would be far more entertaining to watch. I've always been a big fan of "transformation" type flash, so would be nice to see another movie like this with some more time put into the artwork and animation, and perhaps a little less alcohol XD.
XD dw ill be spending more time on animations in the future so there's sure to be more detail.