Is there something wrong with this game? I tried to use the bathtub in the Gargamel scene but it isn't working and I can't click on the window either.
The evil Gargamel has captured the smurfs. Help Clumsy rescue them!
Is there something wrong with this game? I tried to use the bathtub in the Gargamel scene but it isn't working and I can't click on the window either.
Ok lets start from the beging, it is christmas eve im trimming my yuletide log maintenance style when retardedly, the spirit of the holidays started coming inside me like a demon possesion and i felt the need to go to newsgrounds dot com (as created in his one true vision by thomas fulp). I search the "search bar search enginge function" on the northern hemisvere of my screen, in hopes to search for a christmass game, and needles to say i didnt find a fucking thing i wanted . crestfallen but not disheartened i pushed on. READER, HERE COMES THE WORST MISTAKE YOUVE EVER F UCKEN SEEN. Now, me being a products of the 80s (SALUTE NASTALGIA FANS, WEVE GOT THIS ONE COVERED) (HITS EVERY NOTE) (CAN I HERE IT FOR NITEDO AND MAIRO) (REST EASY GAMING) (FANS) where was i wtf. uhhhh oh right i was the last aribender of sorts (rest easy animation fans) and i grew up on a diet of GI JOE AND GREEN LOVERS ALIKE. And moe impordidly as related to my review therein, the smurves. Now imagine my, oh, i dont know, 2 seconds of glee as my eyewholes make contact with these letters :("{Smurfs' Last Christmas}") I know stupid right. i figured i wouldnt get raped 2 years in a row by this stupid website. now if you refure to my alternate review account "ZELTAMALE" about a little number called turkey takes guts not to be to coinfused with turkey fucks butts youll remember i praised that games shitliness to high charity and back to the tune of a 6 paragraph s-a (sexual assult fans rest easy) (HITS EVERY NOTE) () ANYWHO! thats enough dawdlink if you referee back to my reeview you'll note how a few sacred cows were slain up/on not only the events witch brought unto me playiomg the game itse lf but as well as (its christmas for cryin gout loud) the game its elf. so lets take u back to the past, big hoss my brothers! only our enemies would make a gamne as shit as turket tom fulps but hear we sit playing and in awe of the total rekall of a shit house oif a gamee. fucjk ths game for life holy cow. i loved the smurfas and this reuins everytyhing iu loved first of all why did that bastard jewish man garbege smell not have sex with smurffiana like i was promised in the thumbnail byu "***agames!" and may i just say it is a sad day when a racist gets to burn the midnight oil and rape and pilalge my neloved childhood nostalger cartoon. Now i had reservatiuns about this game until my fvaorite lets player stephanie bri ( shes very snmart andhas good opinions thats why i listen to everything she says, ffor sher is right. especially her vide titled" WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN IS SMURVES??????" ANYWHO IM STARTING THE NEW YEAR OFF WITH A BANG IN THE WIND WITH THIS GAME FUCK THIUS WHEN GRUMPY SMURF SAID I HATE CHRISTMAS I KNEW THIS GAME WAS GONNA BE SHIT PAWPAW SMERF WOULD NOT HAVE EVEN INVITE HIM>???? ARE YOU MAD???? HOW CAN U MAKE A SMURG GAEM AND NOTMKNOW THIS WAS THE DEVELOPER A FAN OF PISSING ME OFF?????????? HOLY HELL IM SO FREAKIN PISSSSSED GOD. FUCKTHIS AND FUCK U FOR MAKING IT YOU NONCE PEDOPHILE CREEP!!! all and all this made chirstmas stink so i must blam u fuck u ! u assheole thanks (btw while raging my mommy beat the snot out of my ass until persimmons persisted from mmy back side woooooooooooooooooooow thanks and just when i got out of timeout. u fucken nnce pedophile alt right RAPEUBLICAN proud boy neo nazi transphobe homophobe revisionist nazi sympathizer holocaust denier. fuck you dude die u pedofile u problably saY THE N WORD U FUCKING BLACK GUY!
awesome game, it's funny how clumsy's eyes turn yellow when standing still then go back to white
good game
I love inka game but this one was weaker. How were we supposed to guess for the bath tub?