I like how this song makes me want to put a gun to my head and blow my brains out now, but when i first heard it i couldn't stop listening to it. Well I'm gonna go buy a gun now. Nice though
This is just our first animation test: a piece of the choreography of this totally unknown song...
We are new-born and warming up to make animated short movies!
Follow us to watch 'em when we'll upload 'em!: http://lakasbakebab.newgr ounds.com/follow
(Youtube version: http://youtu.be/QZg73Sgu0 c8)
Animated by:
Luca Musumeci (www.youtube.com/user/Luc aMusumeci)
Simona Jurato (http://www.youtube.com/u ser/SimoSocietyCreazioni)
Omar Sciuto
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/L aKasbaKebabAnimation
Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/LaKa sbaKebab
I like how this song makes me want to put a gun to my head and blow my brains out now, but when i first heard it i couldn't stop listening to it. Well I'm gonna go buy a gun now. Nice though
Nifty ^^ 5/5
I hate the song to death but the loop is nice
Just amazing great work! :D
I have to say this much better than most fan animation of this song i tip my hat to you mate