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This was a short interactive animation that I made for uni last year. The brief was to choose a story and alter it into something new and interactive. I chose a few hellboy moments I liked from the comics and made this.

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Great job.

I gather this was more of an interactive comic then a game. if that indeed is what it was I think you did a good job for I assume a sophomore effort.

umm... Did you just make Rasputin die? That cant be done since Rasputin cant die! And this art work was done very hastily... so yeah I agree with RafV.

This doesn't feel like a game. It feels like a hastily-drawn cutscene where each frame stays on screen until you click on a random point on the screen. At the end, I think I finished it, as there was no random point to click anymore.

Oh, wait no. I had to click the butterfly in order for the "Replay" text to appear...

sahduk responds:

Interesting, I guess I could have put more thought into the interactions. And made them a bit easier...

Credits & Info

3.24 / 5.00

Nov 13, 2012
9:01 AM EST