Latest Comment that no-one will read!
Good flash. I'de give you constructive critisism but 3&4 are awesome!
News Update! Fix the lagging in the camera.
Hello all you Newgrounds peoples. :)
Here is my version of Ryu's Awakening with the Dark Hadou.
Ryu goes head to head with Akuma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :)
This time I was able to work wih AS3 for better flow. But on some comps there may be some lagging. It seems the camra had some limit to zooming at some points.
At first it was going to be a battle between Ryu and Oni. But it can work for Round 2, unfortunately I can't make any promise of it being a part 2. If a good full Oni' Sprite sheet was found then it may be possible. Or you guys can do it feeeeelllll free to do so.
Sorry for the file size! But I think you guys will get a kick out of it. :3 Please Enjoy!
All Images and Clips Are Copyrighted By Their Respectful Owners
This film is made to inspire.
Now on Youtube tch?v=RW95T7941no
Latest Comment that no-one will read!
Good flash. I'de give you constructive critisism but 3&4 are awesome!
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. Check out the rest of the episodes. :) You may get a kick out of them.
I'll give you an 3 for effort. There are too many things lacking in this flash:
1. Lack of music
2. Too much talking
3. Lack of sprite frames, it looked like laziness frames
4. Needs dialog
Might I suggest looking at other flashes, they may inspire ya. One I recommend is R1665, he's one of the top flash animators out there.
You have the potential, keep it up.
pretty ok to me i like it keep at it
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
Lame. Lame. Lame! It's difficult to tell how much of the script is yours and how much is ripped from the anime movie. But that's not really too big of a problem since I haven't seen that one. The sprite work is decent, and some might say using sprites as stand-ins for hand drawn graphics is lazy. But it's no where near as lazy as using clips from the anime as stand ins for not wanting to animate the sprites. That's really what killed this flash for me. Seriously, next time, lose the anime clips and learn to work with the sprites to get the scenes and effects you want.
Thanks for the info. I can understand where you coming from, but this is just a little something that I wanted to put together and just inspired creative minds. And like I said the clips are to help get the concept going. I would not dout that the movie is written the same way. Just think of it as a sprite version. :)