Very slow
Project X, movie produced by Todd Phiips in 50 seconds. Made in 1 hour more or less.
Anothink is the name of my Youtube Account: er/Anothink
Video in YouTube: tch?v=b-d7xpj__E4
Very slow
Sorry, bud, but everything was just....
Well, for starters, everyone was a stick figure.
And over 90% of this was in black and white.
Barely any actual animation as well, and what animation that was there was pretty choppy.
I'm sorry but you might want to get a book on Flash or study up on your techniques.
It's a little funny but it's too short. Heard about the Nostalgia Critic or Chester A. Bum (aka. Doug Walker) ? When you want to criticise a bad movie, do it well.
i like it.
Video is just stuck at ' in a few seconds animated' im not sure if this a mistake or is done on purpose.
Don't move the page.