we only signed the documentati0n to save chucky cheese
UPDATE: Front page! Awesome!
What's up Newgrounds! Gahd Damn it's been a hot minute.
I haven't uploaded anything for a while because I was making an animated feature. Can't wait to be able to show that one off.
This is a short we made not to long ago that I wanted to share with the NG community. I know I haven't been as active on the site but I still come here nearly every day to check out any new cartoons. As always the talent and creativity that bleeds from this little spot on the web continues to amaze me.
If you like our work be sure to follow us on youtube, facebook and all that other social media gobbledegook.
Keep on rockin'
-Jon Etheridge
Appsro Animation
we only signed the documentati0n to save chucky cheese
This is why I stop buying stuff from GameStop a long time ago. Thank you for making this cool cartoon.
Not enough Seth McFarlane
lmao lol so funny, yep I miss the good ol days when gamestop used to be a fun place to shop and when U could actually get money for trade ins lol in store credit is a bunch of BS lol
That Was some seriously funny stuff man!