Are you kidding me?"This day is saved by Cornelius".Bah!
3 weeks work, enjoy!
I apologise for the crackling in the audio. I'll probably get a more reliable mic before I make my next piece.
Are you kidding me?"This day is saved by Cornelius".Bah!
Pretty good
That was good, but you need to edit the voices a bit more, maybe put some reverb on them so it doesn't sound like they're in a bedroom. Add some background noises too, it appeared to be a windy day so add some low wind sounds to give dat feel of actually being in their lil' meerkat town.
art was good
but altogether with the voice and the whole script the art is why im giving you a six without the art i give you a 2 maybe a three
This sisn't good enough to be on the front page.
This content never gets old.