what the freak!?!?
dude everyone loves stick figures.people who rate this are fans of sticks figure show.Well this is racius to stick figure shows. TNI dude...
The final answer to a another bad flash movie is one well drawn guy with a sword
what the freak!?!?
dude everyone loves stick figures.people who rate this are fans of sticks figure show.Well this is racius to stick figure shows. TNI dude...
Welll this movie is really lame.The fights were rather boring and the only well drawn characters were the sticks.Besides that you said that the dude(The non-stick one) wanted the end of bad flash while he was a bad flash.Well i can't animate but It was one of the worst things I've ever seen.PS the "well" drawn guy looked awful
PSS Sticks are amzing and without them there would be no sift heads,no rhg battles no Johnny Rocketfingers.
PSS Ill try to say something nice: you animate better than i do.
It's funny because you've obviously never seen Xiao Xiao of the Castle series for instance and forgive me if I'm wrong (even though I'm not) but isn't this a worthless flash movie made by someone who obviously needs to stop creating flash movies directing hate from him to others?
My regards, Divine
Yeah, don't submit crap like this again...
Follow your own advice, your average stick animation is far better then this, and your 'well drawn guy with a sword' was ok at best. With crap for animation. Before you run around critiquing a style of flash, make sure you can at least animate what your telling others to do. However, the type of sticks you portrayed here, we're indeed crap, and much like any other flash, crap comes in every genre not just stick, this flash for instance... I suggest brushing up on you animating skills before submitting again, and I don't know, actually looking at a few good stick animations. If you end up not liking stick after seeing good stuff, your not going to, your never gonna change others opinions on it(thus the greatness and great freedom of Newgrounds) so do yourself a favor and don't watch them.
hell no
this was the worst film iv ever seen in my life and also what the heck why would you want the end of stick wars and films and stuff like that everywon loves those including me *=0