verry funny mate greatanimation
This is the second Blario cartoon done by Check out Blarios first episode or some cool soundboards at our site. You can also vote on what videogame land Blario will visit next.
Rock on
verry funny mate greatanimation
Not Kool!!!
I found this movie very steriotype. Why did the mario guy have to be black and have golden teeth!!?? That was not funny at all and i dont think this should get more then a overall score of three. It was not realistic eather
dude give mario a better gu like a m26 or p99.
dude give mario a better gu like a m26 or p99.
Mario becomes even more cool!
An odd, but good mix of worlds. I guess I can't blame you for the graphics since it is 16-bit. -_-' It's much better than the first. Can't wait for #3!
Pretty kewl and clever.
Nice. Makes Mario look a little girlish.