I don't know why do I eat panties in this game. I don't know why it shows a.. window cleaner guy when I catch a special item but this game is weird, it's fast, it's kind of funny, it has a nice music- I like it. ; ]
Game is originally from japan
I don't know why do I eat panties in this game. I don't know why it shows a.. window cleaner guy when I catch a special item but this game is weird, it's fast, it's kind of funny, it has a nice music- I like it. ; ]
It's ok i guess, the idea is really nice, it's just a bit "frenetic, and also, persona 4 music is a bit of place on the main menu don't you think?
I love it's but it can get really frustrating and that makes me want to play it more!
goodgame.homuhomu cute!!
Best Mahou Madoka Magica game ever.