It's cool and all...
I'm a 3-D modeling student in Vancouver, and it's kinda random that I happened upon this here. I'm wondering, why Flash? And the flash portal? There are tons of sites built for sharing 3d models and other art, or does this have something to do with Flash. I've heard the newer versions can accommodate 3D...
As for the texturing, it's kinda hard to tell, I think the lighting needs more work. Is that a directional light, and how many lights are there? Turn on raytracing and final gathering, center the turntable, and that in itself should increase the quality. Maybe fill the space at the sides with the texture page and UV snapshot.
It was so long ago, but I don't remember the bugs being so colourful... That might have just been the lighting as well...
Still cool though, you should try modeling too, it feels good to show off work without having to credit anyone!
+*. Special Ed .*+
(Ed Sebele)