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Drive your bike through the pipes grabbing turbos and "shield cubes" to get to the finish line as fast as possible!

During a race, the bike is controlled using the arrow keys or ASWD (press "R" or "Enter Key" to retry).
Menus can be navigated using the arrow keys and "Enter Key" and "Backspace" to move forward and back...

-Survival Mode, in which you just must avoid obstacles as long as you can,.
-Time Mode (career mode), in which you must complete a set of 32 levels (with increasing difficulty). In this mode medals are given when a level is completed according to the time required.

In both modes, there are 4 bikes to choose (the last one will unlock after some play...) which correspond, basically to 4 difficulties (easy, normal, hard and extreme)

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I like this game a lot. It goes right to the favorites.

I don't like there being an accelerator and a brake. It should be just "go as fast as you can". Also, I seem to not be very good on these kind of games if there's not a "light wall" following the bike. (Have I already said this game reminds me of Tron? - well, that was probably intended)

The retro pseudo-3D is nice, and the camera effect is impressive. Good job!

Now, an online multi-player version... :D

aka Tron mini game...

>Genuinely fun and addictive.
>Good replay value (medals)
<Music very repetitive, needs some variation.
<Could have done with more level variation.

Also found a glitch where if you die right before the end and you still cross the finish line, it counts as a win but the music goes all glitchy and the game gets a bit confuses.


i wanna weapon system to destroy impossible to pass blocks. Graphic is good but sound is somehow boring. you should port this to iphone. i can imagine how people will play.

Enjoyed it.

Fun game. I played through all of the levels and reran some of the levels just for kicks to improve my time.

I liked:
- Level design - Nice variation without getting ridiculously crazy or masochistic with the obstacles.
- Difficulty level - I managed to get some medals the first time through, but it wasn't so easy that I got medals on everything.
- Controls - Smooth.

Needs improving:
- Music. Really needs some variety. It started to grate on my nerves and detract from the gameplay.
- Graphics. A personal preference, perhaps. I dig the simple geometric shapes and whatnot but it was difficult to look at after awhile. Harsh on the eyes. Distracted from gameplay. Maybe have different viewing options?

Good, simple game overall. I had no difficulty with lag or crashing. Ran great on my machine. I'd just like a little less irritating music and graphics so I can play the game longer. :)

To Mr. Joliner

I have written this review stating why I scored you what I did based on my opinions, and my only hope is that you take something away from it that will improve your game making career.

Things I didn't like :
1 - Extreme bike is locked when that is the only... THE ONLY way to score medals.
2 - Sound byte lag and FPS lag <- Negligible because of technology restraints
3 - Lack of music or sounds
4 - Lack of polish
5 - Lack of enginutiy
6 - Long wait times between levels

1.Why is the Extreme bike locked? The fact that I raced 10 races that were alloted to be about 1.5-2min long (summing to be a grand total of 15-20mins) and I still could not get any medals, AND the fact that the game was really easy ruined this for me that is why I suggest changing your reward formula for this game, or simply have EXTREME unlocked from the get go.

2. On the Sound & FPS lag I am not sure if any one else experiences this, but I didn't like how the sound and fps lagged, but that's not a huge deal, and I dont blame that on you.(but if there is any thing you can do about it please do)

3. The music really starts to drag on after a while, and there were no sounds for accelerating, just boosts... no sounds for idling, no sounds for the count down timer, and no sounds for narrow misses... just a whoosh sound for the big grey blocks that block your vision. I think it would add to the immersion of your game if you were to include these things.

4. The reason I cite lack of polish is because the game has no theeme or setting, not that every game needs this... but having different tile sets or something to change the game up to make it feel like you were some where else other than a low end virtual reality simulator would be nice.

5. The game design seemed to be cut and paste from other tunnel racers, not that this is a bad thing... but if your going to do something that is already out there... try to spice it up to make yours a different or better experience.

6. As for the long wait times between levels, that is just a pet peeve, first... why not automatically generate the time score for the race, rather than forcing the player to sit through it each time. Second, why have the user have to go back to the level select screen if all they unlock is one level at a time? Why not just give them the option of going directly to the next level.

I hope this review helps you in your future en-devours, because this seems really good, so dont get discouraged!

Credits & Info

3.83 / 5.00

May 17, 2011
1:22 PM EDT
  • Daily 4th Place May 18, 2011