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Point'nClick Style Test

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it's just a style test, what do you think of it so far?

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really good style!


I think it's an awesome style for a game, but I really would have rather you uploaded a more complete game than two uploads that are both still this "in progress." Neither can really be called done. That said, it really is very attractive if you make a game out of it.


nice i just want to play the game though.

Very nice style!

This is a very nice style, it's very mellow in an appealing way. I like that you haven't tried to do black outlines on everything. It's nice.
This kind of artwork would be good to put on the Art Portal too, and you'd maybe get some proper critics who could give you more feedback.
Obviously, I can't really give it any stars, because it's neither game nor movie, but a test. And I'm sure you weren't expecting anything more.
I look forward to the final outcome. Hope this helped a little.

Read the FAQ rules

Submissions to the flash portal are not supposed to be unfinished demos or tests. There's an "alphas" section for that.

Credits & Info

1.51 / 5.00

Mar 18, 2011
6:28 PM EDT