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Play Santa Snowman Breako

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As Santa, use your candy cane to knock your metal snowball into the army of incoming snowman!

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Problem wth money

It changes and when I went to the store I had none. Fix that and better graphics and bonuses or powerups and you may have a good game.

A problem

Music is alright as far as the game goes, however there is a problem that the music loops when i get game over while the music is still playing.....so the music plays twice at the same time it sounds really weird. Also earning money is weird sometimes i had $520 and it dropped all the way to $20 sometimes hitting a snowman takes away sometimes it adds etc.

How to Kill a Breakout Game

...have a paddle with a dead spot where the ball goes right through it. And also have screwey physics where the ball bounces off the paddle at angles that have nothing to do with how or where it strikes the paddle. Couple it with less then average graphics, and annoying music/sound effects, and you have a game where someone quits playing before they are out of balls. A Christmas-themed Breakout can be good, and having the balls be snowballs is one way to start. This is a very weak effort and definately not a playable game.

Good but...

This kind of game has been done so many times before. And the money in the store reads as zero even though I earned way more than that. The graphics are good though.

ah christmas

thanks for the first christmas game ive seen on newgrounds theres alot of things you could of done better like the upgrades but if not the upgrades than atleast make them stationary anyway good job

Credits & Info

1.90 / 5.00

Nov 16, 2010
11:04 PM EST