It's funny and a bit hard
An intriguing game of multiple concurrent pre-controlled events. Half game half editor, you have to get the nanos to the exits by seting up a predefined path for them to follow. Game designed by Longanimals and robotJAM.
It's funny and a bit hard
very entertaining!
The first couple of levels are monkey-easy, which should scare off most players, but the last couple of levels are very entertaining. Too bad there are no more levels that are challenging.
I like this music.
Great game, I love the simple concept.
Also I beat you guys' LVL 2 score by 1...good enough for me.
Played this game all the way through and although you tried to increase levels of difficulty it just stayed easy - You managed to get it from really easy to kind of easy. The vast majority of levels took zero though at all and could be done by just drawing random lines. Not the thing for me, sorry
very good
gave you a 5/10 played for 9 lev's not becuse I dont think I could make it just didnt have the time to do more . A game that would help someone get a better IQ