Hello there.
When struck by sudden inspiration, I began working on this interesting point & click short.
I spent day and night on this one, even though it's short. I worked hard on getting the atmosphere just right, took the screenshots myself, and all that.
I'm testing the waters to see if a Flash project can be liked on Newgrounds if it favors atmosphere and cleverness over length.
Can you find out the truth behind the ghost of 2FORT?!
When you are asked for the answer, type it in and click the button. DO NOT PRESS ENTER OR ANYTHING ELSE AFTER FILLING IN YOUR ANSWER.
(Due to the original Flash being much bigger in dimensions, I fear some parts might look a little cut off... blame my lack of planning for that...)
EDIT: Please wait with giving me zeros! >< I fixed the cutting off issues, mostly...
EDIT: All issues now fixed. Sorry about that... I had my Flash at 1078 X 786 originally...
where is the ghost is there one
my wife is rotting
No offense, but this is just kind of lazy.
"I'm testing the waters to see if a Flash project can be liked on Newgrounds if it favors atmosphere and cleverness over length."
And justifying the lack of effort with this is an absolute joke.
the spy the ghost and type spy its spy