Disregarding Graphics the controls are fluid. and the concept of the game simple. I understand that this is your first attempt but it still felt incomplete and not entirely planned out. I would suggest adding Menu Screen rather than throwing the user straighting into the game starting. There are no instructions so the player will be disoriented for the first few seconds getting a grasp on what does what perhaps add a Legend on the instructions so we know that rum gives health and running into boats and yellow dots which i assume is an island hurt you too. The game is too forgiving in that there are no in game consequences. sure your boat dies but it respawns and has unlimited lives. There is no defined goal too. i'm assuming its to get the highest score possible but that wasn't clearly stated. on a side note this games feels too much like a Raiden type game reskinned with boats and no powerups. With that said i think that should continue to work on this game and i look forward to seeing your first complete game.