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Wisps of Twilight Glade

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Click on any of your stones (blue) and then on an enemy stone to attack it

Click "end turn" when you are done attacking - you can then place new wisps

You get a set of new wisps (4 wisps) for each 3 stones you own at the end of your turn - up to a maximum of 7. You will always get at least 3 placements unless you are down to one stone.

You get a combat bonus if you attack w...
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Click on any of your stones (blue) and then on an enemy stone to attack it

Click "end turn" when you are done attacking - you can then place new wisps

You get a set of new wisps (4 wisps) for each 3 stones you own at the end of your turn - up to a maximum of 7. You will always get at least 3 placements unless you are down to one stone.

You get a combat bonus if you attack with more wisps than your enemy - use this to your advantage.

If you attack the same stone multiple times in the same turn, you will wear it down and get a fatigue bonus as well.

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I would give you 4 stars for some graphics or story line missing or something but screw it, this is a game I enjoy. And so comfortable to look at. A challenging, not overly eye popping, clever mind game that can indulge me with simplicity and force my mind to work. A brain exercise. Five stars for that. Part 2? PvP, another color, no need to spice this up much. No need for a part 2 I suppose. Love it.

Good Game

Hey this game is good, cept that it lacks element features, levels, upgrades and stuff that would makes it more fun. And also an enemy leveling system that allows you to face more challenging opponents.

Nice Game

Good strategy game, easy enough that I'm winning most of the time, but hard enough that it doesn't get boring.


I loved it. Found it flawless. Beautiful art as well make it great.

Great Game

Was nice and great replay ability. The AI do have different speeds though it seemed. Nice though, hope for front page!

Credits & Info

3.90 / 5.00

Dec 23, 2009
6:13 PM EST