This is funny!
This is so funny and entertaining I love it!
click the traps to destroy them.
click clock to slow time
click toolbox to fix ship or truck
after 3 hits ship or truck will be dead
This is funny!
This is so funny and entertaining I love it!
pretty good time waster
not the best graphics or gameplay but i found myself quite addicted!
AdamWilkiwhat the FUCK is wrong with you, you racist prick those are medical and food trucks heading to starving villages and places with no real doctors.
Yeah, sure the game sucks(no offence) but just think about what I said above
7/10 opressed masses
-3 bad graphics, no story
save the oppressed masses!
AdamWilki you racist prick those are medical and food trucks heading to starving villages and places with no real doctors.
nice concept by the way. too bad some people are stupid and won't understand the game
This game has weak graphics. no replay value and holds no interest whatsoever for me.