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Floating island

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Author Comments

Confusing, but thats the charm, i guess

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Wish there was more to do

Weirdest game i'v ever played. I kind of like it though, its intriguing. I'm giving you 7 because i like the atmosphere and uniqueness of it. Also i like the art, animations, and music. I'm taking away 3 because there just isn't much to do. Also i can't read Danish, if that is in fact Danish, but its kind of adding to the mysteriousness of it. So i just wish there was more to do so i could enjoy your music and scribbly, yet cool, art work some more. Keep working on stuff, i like your style.

Halindir responds:

Many thanks GraveDigger87, it is indeed Danish.
I really wanted to put so much more into this..it deserves more. But when i code, its like my balls are morphed into a vagina being cunt punted continuously.


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To be honest, it's not much. I like how intricate things are and how you can click on objects on the island. I hope you use this flash or idea to come back and make a movie or game.

Halindir responds:

I hope so too. Thank you for your kind words

Credits & Info

3.65 / 5.00

Sep 17, 2009
3:10 PM EDT