Nice test
Yeah, simple game, but effective! Problem: the thing that can kill you can appear where your character are, make it dieng easily =/
dare your habilities in this ninja game.
Nice test
Yeah, simple game, but effective! Problem: the thing that can kill you can appear where your character are, make it dieng easily =/
so now ninjas get angery when they eat apples? so ... did all of the ninjas become docters? its fun, for a while. but the power ups sorta are too random in the generation department.
A little too much like Triangles. Other than that, it was good.
Mas o menos
Its ok, a bit boring and gets too hard too quick, more frequent powerup spawns or 3 lives, or something would be nice. Also the hit detection is a bit hit and miss, aside that its alright.
this is great
this is cool man is the full game out