morphing picture frank + foreign choir(?) + awkward silence + the epic music + lego spaceship + happy happy happy birthday + EPIC CLIFFHANGER + awesomeness = WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Organclock , my previous partner in this series, was fired due to a debate over T-shirt sales
anyways, here is the next installment . The plot begins to get deep , after blue loses his comrades (episode 3)
he finds himself in need of a new squad, he joins up with frank fontaine and his space ship the enevourprise. but blue gets lost in space after fontaine comes down with cancer and dies
morphing picture frank + foreign choir(?) + awkward silence + the epic music + lego spaceship + happy happy happy birthday + EPIC CLIFFHANGER + awesomeness = WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a win indeed
It was ok
The voice acting needs a little improvement and some of the scenes drag on a little too long. I like the Lego Millennium Falcon ("enevourprise") though
yes it's the pride of my work, the bitmap trace.., be sure to look at me real flash animations like little bioshock