I like random humor, and the flash did have it's funny moments- for instance the way the scenes were juxtapositioned. However, the character itself was extremely generic, and the animation seemed to not be particularly fine-tuned. For instance, if you paid attention you could see that Bob wasn't actually cutting the fish, he was cutting the table.
In addition, the way that the music shifted from scene to scene was extremely disorienting and unneccesary. The actual quality of the music varied. Some of it was great, some mediocre.
Also, I dislike there not being any real resolution, or anything really happening. It was just scene after scene after scene of pure randomness. While randomness can be amusing, I like there to be some sense of point to it, with an overlaying plot. Here, there wasn't one.
Not a bad flash, if you fine-tune and put some more work into it, it could actually be pretty good.