whooper looked awesome, and your backgrounds are great. :D
my second flash so far, and i think it not to bad, for a lock
please make a review i want to know what you think if it!
- zyro
whooper looked awesome, and your backgrounds are great. :D
More like Grey and Lemming Adventures, amirite?
nice work, you are improving quickly
maybe, i was going to make it a real advanture but i didnt had alot of time :(
Nice going!!
I am solidly impressed with your improvment.
Nice work. 5'd & 10'd
thanks, but i never do this again x]
Your improvement over one week is quite amazing. Looking forward to next weeks submission!
thanks, i'll do my best :D
You never seem to stop improving! Well done!
dhaa i just wasted all my time on this so i better be ;D