Very Boring Sorry
I see how lot's of people can like this,but I just find it rather boring for a flash movie. It also needs a preloader. Music was good (Reasoner wins).
Well, this was kind of a sudden outburst of happy for me. If you see my other videos, they are all violent and involve Call of Duty in some way. This idea just.................came to me.
Very Boring Sorry
I see how lot's of people can like this,but I just find it rather boring for a flash movie. It also needs a preloader. Music was good (Reasoner wins).
Yeah, this isn't one of my normal submissions. Reasoner does have a great music list though!
Except I like Call of Duty better than Fishermen. :))
ill give you the benefit of the doubt and rate 10,vote 5 ; 10/5
Couldn't get it to start...something must be wrong with comp.
ill default at 8/10(thats my default score)