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Newgrounds Tetris

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API done, preloader looks better

a tetris game powered by Gauss.. and completed by me. i dubbed some Newgrounds stuff i could on the game such as the pictures on the bricks and some other things.... i added 5 awesome tetris musics done by authors of newgrounds..

the game is quite different the the original Tetris. every level has different difficulty (either by line clearing amount, handicap or speed) i mean not only the speed increases, everything else changes as level increases.

the current version is 1.3.04

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Time to give my two pence.

The aesthetics are rather plain -- you submitted this in 2008, but the graphics look like a 2000 novelty. Back in 2008 they had streamlined, better-looking skins than this! While I know you had a yellow-and-white BG on the back for Newgrounds colours, perhaps tone it down a little bit? With all the pictures on the Tetris blocks AND the background, it's kinda hard on the eyes.

In fact, I might as well be bold enough to say that the entire layout of the game looks like a website from between 1998 and 2000, when everything was running on HTML1. That kind of design normally warrants games no more than 2 stars.

This is where I gash the most points, unfortunately. HOW MANY VERSIONS OF KOROBEINIKI DO YOU WANT IN THIS DARN THING?!

Korobeiniki was the default theme and evoked a lot of nostalgia, sure, but there were *other* themes that invoked nostalgia, you know. Comparing the Nintendo and Tengen versions (for NES), we had Korobeiniki, Technotris, Bradinsky (which would've been nice!), Karinka, Troika... and the list goes on. The only other theme I ever saw was Technotris, which was great to hear, but other than that... the music selection has been left completely wanting.

Now granted, I know StencylWorks didn't exist back in the day. If you had Stencyl, you'd have been able to insert more MP3s rather than bulk the game up with WAV files. But taking into account the limitations you had then, surely you'd have just capped it at *two* Korobeinikis, and look for other classic Tetris themes?

Also, no sound effects when the lines are cleared? No drop sound effects at all? No fun. It's even less fun when the music has to be turned off just because of these versions of Korobeiniki that I'm hearing to no end, it makes any gamer fed up.

It played like a normal Tetris game..... except.... far laggier and far less exciting. I've noticed that hitting the Down key makes a hard drop, but here's the problem: *THE HARD DROP DOES NOT PLAY LIKE A HARD DROP.* It's just a slightly sped up version of the soft drop. If someone were to speed-play his way through a Tetris game because it calms him down, or because it makes the game more exciting.... well, this game fails on both counts.

And in addition to that, the lines clear very, very slowly -- and WHY THE BLAZES are they clearing one after the other? Is there no script to clear all lines at once?!

I have to gash even more points because, from what I read in a response you posted, you simply reskinned Gauss' Tetris game. You did nothing to make it better. And that's why a lot of Tetris games (with the exception of Mario Tetris and Fliptris) are simply not memorable. Now don't give me the old chestnut about 99% of Tetris games being slow and sucky, and that you decided to follow suit -- it doesn't make your programming or your skinning stand out, it only puts you in the light of a bad coder.

And on an equally serious note, the loading for this game was terribly long and drawn-out. What on earth is the file size of this thing?!

Long, drawn out, laggy, unexciting, uninspired design, too many uses of Korobeiniki. Overall, it's quite a chore to play this game.

Tackle all these issues, STARTING FROM THE DESIGN (since you skinned it!) and perhaps I could consider adding a few more points.


black-father responds:

didn't you waste your time writing all this? :P

plus this is a flash tetris.. do you expect it to be as great as PS3 tetris or gameboy tetris? definitely not, and its not worth ranting

Honestly, this sucks :(

One thing that all the successful console ports have in common: They share the same playability mechanics, rules and fun factor. One thing all flash versions have in common: They all suck just the same.

I'm sorry, but I will be blunt and truthful here. This game is nothing like what you would find on a major console, say, the PSP port for example. I don't care what anybody thinks, but I'm comparing this to a major port, because this is what it SHOULD be like to deserve to be called a tetris game.

The PSP version has these basic, essential rules/features that all console versions also have:

1 Ability to hard and soft drop with up and down respectively

2 Controls that make immediate sense

3 A fast paced gameplay

4 5-10 seconds freedom to move a block when it's touching another block or the floor

5 A fun factor that makes it possible to play for hours on end

This game lacks these basic rules/features in these ways:

1 - No hard drop, WTF. There needs to be a hard drop or else the gameplay will be way too slow, without it, the game just seems blah

2 -The controls are just retarded, controls should be - A,D, for movement; W for hard drop, S for soft drop, Left/Right to rotate counter and clockwise, a HOLD button (Enter, Shift, or up arrow), and an ability to change the controls via the menu

2 cont. - If you have a problem with WASD, (B1kMusic.newgrounds.com/news/post/60 5996) here is a news post I made, it includes a download for an API file I made called key.as, it has clear instructions for integrating and using it, making WASD so much easier to do, now you can't say that you don't know how or don't want to do it.

3 - The gameplay is so slow it's boring, like the guy before me, the line clears should happen in 1/4 to 1/2 of a second, and multiple simultaneous line clears need to happen at exactly the same time, not consecutively, the rush of getting four tetrises is gone when you have to sit for 15 seconds collectively waiting for every line to slowly fade away.

4 - There is no freedom, the second the block touches the floor or anything beneath it, it automatically connects, making it impossible to get out of a situation where the blocks are built high, stifling the gameplay tremendously. There should be a 5-10 second delay if action is taken in attempt to maneuver the block, this makes it possible and fun to play the game for hours on end. (This is the biggest problem, by the way)

5 - There's no fun factor, buy tetris for the NES, N64, PS2, PSP (via PSN), Wii, etc and study everything about what version you got that makes it fun as hell to play and try to implement it. One tip is to insert quick, flush sounds for events like hard drops line clears and tetrises to make it more exciting.

Also - No elaborate or red backgrounds, it's distracting, a simple, plain, navy blue background should be just enough to make a decent background because it's dark enough not to strain the eyes and it's not distracting.

One more - File size is ridiculous, I was sitting in awe by how long a TETRIS game was taking to load, maybe get some smaller songs, and limit it to three.

For posterity's sake, I'll mention a flaw in the PSP version: there is no endless mode, no matter what you do, the game will end at some point because you won.

People: don't tell me to try to make one because I know I can and have made a tetris game, the reason I don't make one is because I don't fucking want to, it's a pain in the ass! But that's no excuse for this game to have these flaws and be like every crappy, boring flash version of tetris. This game could look just like one of the console versions and still not be fun unless you take these pointers and implement them, but for now, this game deserves a 4/10, that is my honest opinion. Play a legit tetris game, and then play this, you'll see what I mean if you're paying attention.

I do want to see this game become the first flash game to really feel like a legit tetris game, and this is why I reviewed. I'm a huge fan of tetris games and I take it seriously.

black-father responds:

console tetris is definitely better than flash tetris, in anyway or another, flash tetrises (mine or not mine) all suck, the programming of this tetris was not done by me, i found one of the many downloadable .fla versions and themed it.. the original programmer of this tetris game is gauss.. almost 99% of the tetris games here are not originally done by them

as a matter of fact, i also enjoy tetris a lot and own a tetris game on GB, GBA, DS(tetris DS), wii, N64(new tetris), and soon comes tetris axis to join my list

i would like to play an online match with you some day :P

as a matter of fact...

the tetris game i had would allow u to use song A,B,or C


Tetris is not a toy, it's art. You made wrongly rotating blocks, and added those weird blocks already spawned on further levels. Original Tetris hadn't got such a thing. I didn't like the slow way that lines disappeared. Werdo. Adding tettris music was a good idea, but that's obvious, and well... it's Tetris, so:




Just an average tetris game to me. The Newgrounds theme is a nice touch but is unoriginal.
Graphics are great but there's plenty of room to improve.
Music choice was great variety, but it would be nice to cycle through each song automatically or manually instead of sticking to the same one for the whole game (I inevitably chose E)
Gameplay is nothing new, nor did you do anything unique to it. The animation of the blocks should be smoother, and there should be an actual hard drop (fall instantly).
The rate between blocks is uneven, (I got red many times). It should be spread out more.
Some extra features that would give this game a plus would be adding more stuff in it suited to the Newgrounds theme.

Credits & Info

3.74 / 5.00

Nov 21, 2008
12:53 PM EST