A decent start to a flash here, I really like what you have here, there seems to be some good qualoity about all this and, I really like your style with this, so this gets my vote atleast to a good start in the right direction. So keep up what you are doing, and go with the positive points and work on the weaker areas and make them stronger. This was rather cute flash kind of short though, but I still found it interesting and amusing. So Not your finest Not the worst either. But I did find this animationto be somewhat intersting with some entertaining values, that gave me some interest in it, I wouldnt mind seeing this go longer and what not but have to say I was pleased with it besides a few improvment suggestions that could be adressed. And ill get to that soon enough, but for now this was notbad.
Decent flash here but could have some fixes and upgrades to making it much better and fixing these little details will help it greatly and overall smooth it out. I could see this being a tad longer to show off more of the skills and talent all around.