The begining was amzing (for like beginners) And the walk was lols. The rap was hilarious! We need more submissions from you!
My first frame by frame submission =D
Check out my other acount = http://ironhustla.newgrounds.com
And btw im rapping with a stuffed nose and cold =D
The begining was amzing (for like beginners) And the walk was lols. The rap was hilarious! We need more submissions from you!
not bad
It was humerous to some degree i thought the intro was cool, maybe you could of kicked some better rhymes an made the animation a bit better, it did make me laugh though.
Your intro was pretty cool, kind of better than the rest of it. The actual rapping part was meh, the walk in was alright for a first attempt fbf but it looked a tad awkward and you shouldn't have looped it. Also once he started rapping you just repeated the same mouth movements rather than actually syncing it to the rapping.
Anyway nothing interesting here, a good piece to get practice on but don't expect people to love it.
Thnks for the review, i lost interest in the idea any way and the rapping part its meh im still learning and i havea cold il improve =D
It was good, not great, but it needs effort, More effort. More effort! MORE EFFORT!
Something like microphone fiend by R.A.T.M would of been cool, to here some Eee! Eff, eff!
ee see Tee!
More time spent on it, y'know?
... Yeah, you know.
=D tahnks foh the review, i just lost interest in the idea
besides the fact that, that was the worst rap I've ever heard, she animation was shitty too. The beginning thing with the play button should have been the whole movie. that stage stuff could not have taken more than 5 or 10 minutes to whip up. Overall, just annoying. cheesey terrible rap with terrible animation
ya maby the rap was bad il have to keep trying but lol i think im getting better at animating and ya i kinda rushed cause i lost interest and the stage stuff took like 5 hours for me xD